This is a support site for Dave Galvin & family to generate assistance and facilitate fund-raising.
Dave Galvin is 45 years old, married and has 2 children aged 15 and 13. The Galvin family live in the Samford area.
Dave has been a professional firefighter with the Queensland fire and Rescue Service for the last 22 years. He is based in Brisbane, however due to his specialist training he has been deployed to other parts of the state, such as Innisfail in March 2006, after the devastation of cyclone Larry. During his 22 years, Dave has devoted countless hours helping others and serving the Queensland community that he loves.
On the 24th September 2009 whilst holidaying with his family on the Gold Coast, Dave suffered a spinal injury in the C3 area rendering his a quadriplegic. His stay in hospital will be for a considerable time. Although he has suffered this terrible injury he remains remarkably upbeat and positive, which I believe is a true testament of his character.
During November 2009 Arnie Ehlers and Mark Vaughan are both work mates of Dave’s and raised $20,000 to assist the family by cycling from Adelaide to Perth across the Nullabor Plain, a total of 2,716km unassisted and completed in 18 days.
Arnie's latest trek to Birdsville is underway. You can track his updates below. This time SOLO and on a mountain-bike his destination is timed with the Birdsville races and his boxing tent. This time around 2,000km in prevailing headwinds (again), poor roads and predicted wet and muddy conditions.
If you would like to support the Galvin family, you can make a promise of donation by emailing Dave Sutch on
or Electronic Funds Transfer to:
The David Galvin Appeal (please use this name as Ref)
BSB 064002 A/C 10351864
send email to David Sutch who will arrange receipt of funds.
Thank you
Arnie and Mark
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
To date we have raised approx $2,000.
The End Nears....
The purpose of this has been to help their mate, Dave Galvin and his family.
They did that.
...and with the support of all of the followers from all over Australia and along the way. Thankyou.
Mark & Arnie successfully arive in Perth
Ride Statistics
Route Distances
Pt Wakefield 96 96 (Day 1)
Pt Pirie 234 128
Pt Cermein (Day 2)
Pt Augusta 300 56
Iron Knob 368 68 (Day 3)
Kimba 458 90
Wudinna 563 105 (Day 4)
Minnipa 597 34
Poochera 631
Wirulla 680 (Day 5)
Ceduna 797 40
Penong 844 (Day 6)
Nundroo 950 76
Yalata 1002 52 (Day 7)
Nullarbor 1096 94
Roadside (Day 8)
Border Village 1282 186
Eucla (Day 9) 1294 12
Mundrabilla 1360 66
Roadside (Day 10)
Madura 1475 115
Cocklebiddy (Day 11) 1558 83
Caiguna 1622 64
Balladonia (Day 12) 1804 182
Fraser Range (Day 13)
Norseman 1995 191
Widgemooltha (Day 14)
Kambalda 2130 135
Kalgoorlie 2198 68 (Day 15)
Coolgardie 2238 40
Roadside (Day 16)
Merredin (Day 17)
Northam (Day 18)
Perth (Day 19 - Sun 22nd)
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